Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

DCCC In-Person Services

In-Person Worship Services:

6/6/21 English 9:00-10:00
6/13/21 Mandarin 10:30-11:30
6/20/21 Cantonese 10:30-11:30

We are excited to begin in-person service starting on June 6. We will be following this schedule as we begin:

6/6/21 English 9:00-10:00
6/13/21 Mandarin 10:30-11:30
6/20/21  Cantonese 10:30-11:30
A registration link will be sent out through your fellowship groups the Sunday before your scheduled service. If you are not a part of a fellowship group, you can email or for a link to the form.

What To Expect:
To attend, you will be registering in advance. We will be allowing 60 congregants maximum in each service. For safety, we ask that only those who are vaccinated and are free of COVID19 symptoms attend. 
When you arrive, you will check in at our registration table where your temperature will be taken. From there, an usher will direct you to your seats.  During the service, we ask that you do not sing out loud, but enjoy the worship in quiet reflection. After the service, we ask that you exit the building promptly and enjoy fellowship in the front of the church. The clean up crew will be wiping down surfaces and venting the room after you leave. 

For safety, we ask all attendees to:
-Attend only if vaccinated (if you are not vaccinated, we ask that you watch our online service)
-Wear a mask (without a valve) that will cover the nose and mouth completely
-Have their temperature taken 
-Use hand sanitizer often
-Maintain safe distances from others
-Not eat/drink
-Stay in the area of the sanctuary only (bathroom if needed) 

 Online Services:
We will continue to have our Worship Services available online. The in-person services will be live-streamed at the scheduled start time of the in-person service. 

Sunday School:
Sunday School will still be online. We are allowing 30 minutes between Sunday school and In-person services for travel. 


The COVID19 situation is constantly changing. We seek God’s wisdom as we begin to reopen the church. Please demonstrate God’s grace, patience, and unity as we start this process. We look forward to once again seeing each other to worship and fellowship together!

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