Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM
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FHL Fellowship
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. … And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:4-13, NIV) As believers in Jesus Christ, it is essential for Christians to understand the meaning of this verse about faith, hope, love.

Our fellowship evolved from a cell group that initially started in 2013. Our group consists of about 12-15 members. Our members’ age ranges from 40 to 73. We have mature Christians as well as new believers.
Our Cantonese pastor, Kelvin Chiu, and Elder, Patrick Leung, are actively involved in our group.
We hold our fellowship meetings twice monthly, which are the first and third Saturdays of the month. 
Our meetings consist of Bible studies and special topics related to biblical teachings. Two to three times a year, we will have outings followed by a dim sum lunch. We also hold combined meetings once or twice a year with other fellowship groups in our church.
Recently, we held a special event with a group named CID (Community In Davis) as their prayer partner for a pilot project.
We use Cantonese as our primary language because we have members who don’t speak English.
The purpose of our Fellowship is to worship God, learn God’s words through various activities such as Bible study, special topic discussions, or video viewing, and learn new hymns and Christian songs. We also have prayer times where we pray and care for each other.
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“我站到街中聽鬧市聲音,我望見艱辛顛沛,眾生, 我立志服務這大片人群,要讓這動力燃亮愛心,我願意關心軟弱與灰心,要用我雙手鼓舞信心,我願以毅力化做我能源,晝夜去傳送信望愛。
光陰匆匆多少機會身邊經過,誰能伸手獻出關懷不再退避, 只要你與我同往,不怕冷笑與迷惘,願降卑效法基督一生辛勤,獻信望愛。