Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Welcome to Pastor Howard’s Corner

Welcome to my corner!

In my bedroom I have a corner where my desktop computer sits and I like to write. I also have an office at church with a single desk. It’s where I’ve counseled, prepared lessons, organized, prayed and strategized for ministry. Everyone needs a space, a corner if you will, to process and engage what’s important and truly valuable.

In this corner of the church website I hope to share my thoughts, updates, and church happenings. As 2019 approached I prayed and sought ways to better connect with the church, particularly our English-speaking members. This year I’m taking some time off every month to write a study guide and book on healing with chronic illness. What started as an idea to communicate with the congregation on the week I am out of the office turned into this blog.

I primarily think of this corner as a space to connect with congregants while I am on writing leave. But I see potential for it to become more—a place to connect and communicate anytime, and anywhere. The most I see congregants is a few times a week, usually for specific meetings or events. While meeting here in the corner won’t replace those times by any stretch, it just might fill some of the gaps that form when we don’t get a chance to see each other as often as we’d like.

From year to year many students and professionals pass through Davis, California and our church. For those who moved on to next steps in your life, or away from us for some other reason, I hope you can keep up with what’s happening locally by coming to this “corner” from time to time. And even if you’ve never been to our church, please stop by to visit here whenever you feel led.

Feel free to engage in any way you’d like. If you would like to email me, please contact me at You can find me on social media too, mostly doing advocacy for #psoriasis and #chronicillness.

I’ll see you soon!


Pastor Howard

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Joseph Toan
Joseph Toan
6 years ago

Looking forward to it!

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