Recent Posts and Announcements
DCCC’s Annual Sock Drive
Cold weather is approaching, and that means it is time for our annual Sock Drive for the homeless. On Sunday, 12/8/2019 or 12/15/2019, bring a package of new, warm crew
Recent Messages 2019.10
“Stirred Hearts” (Haggai 1:12-15) “耶穌, 我們的大祭司 Jesus, Our High Priest” (Hebrews 希伯來書 5:1-10) “Dealing with Discouragement” (Haggai 2:1-9) “耶穌更美的祭 Jesus the Better Sacrifice” Colossians 3:2 “Jesus’ Sacrifice Makes Us Holy
Recent Messages 2019.09
“A Renewed Conscience” (Genesis 42) “Jesus Greater Than Moses 耶穌超越摩西” (Hebrew 希伯來書 3:1-5) Hebrews -李革舜牧師信息分享 “Forgiveness and Reconciliation” (Genesis 45) “Resilient Faith” (1 Timothy 3:10-17) “Supremacy of Jesus” (Hebrew 1:1-4)
Children’s Sunday School Training
Join our special Children Sunday School teacher training led by Joyce Lee, the Children Ministry Director of Davis Korean Church, on Saturday 9/28 from 9-11 a.m. Mandatory attendance for all