Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Recent Posts and Announcements

Coronavirus Alert

There has been a Coronavirus outbreak. Because of the severity of the illness and out of an abundance of caution, we suggest that church members who have traveled to China


Please park at the Davis Medical Center parking lot (635 Anderson Rd) or at the UCD visitor parking lots (permit not required on weekends unless there is a special event).

Recent Messages 2019.12

“It’s Christmas, God” (Ephesians 5:1-2; John 20:21) “救主、主與基督 Savior, Lord & Christ” (路加福音 Luke 2:1-15) “Everyone Did as They Saw Fit” (Judges 17:6) “聖靈的更新-更像恩主 The Renewing of the Holy Spirit

Children’s Safety Training

Children’s Ministry: There will be a Children’s Safety Training on 1/12/20 at 12:00 noon.  This is mandatory for all Sunday School teachers/helpers and brothers or sisters who are currently serving

Recent Messages 2019.11

舉辦培靈會-作上帝喜悅的人-認識主基督 舉辦培靈會-作上帝喜悅的人 – 信心與行爲 舉辦培靈會-作上帝喜悅的人- 信心與神蹟 科學, 人生與信仰 – 問題與解答 舉辦培靈會-作上帝喜悅的人- 信心與苦難 “Faith Like a Child” (Luke 18: 15-17) “偉大信心的榜樣 Great Examples of Faith” “Give Thanks to God 獻上感恩” (John

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