Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Recent Posts and Announcements

Child Dedication

Parents interested in dedicating their child or baby please see the pastors or elders for further information. We plan to have a dedication program in all three language worship services

2022 DCCC Missions Conference

Make plans to join this year’s Missions Conference (Friday 2/25-Sunday 2/27).  Our speakers are Brother Steve Weemes (OMF) and David Leung, and the theme is: “Turning Obstacles into Opportunities.”Friday, Feb

DCCC’S 2022-2023 Theme: “Let Us Worship, Serve, And Share HIM” (Psalm 100)

Psalm 100 says: Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.  2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  3 Know that the LORD is God. It is

2021 DCCC Christmas Eve Service

We will have our in-person Christmas Eve Worship Service on 12/24/2021 (Friday) at 7:00 p.m.  Please invite your friends and relatives to join. 歡迎邀請家人朋友在12/24/2021 週五晚上 7:00 參加教會聖誕夜崇拜實體聚會。      

Upcoming Events

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Verse of the Day

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