2019.12.29 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Nothing Wasted” (Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20) |
2019.12.22 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Greatest Gift” (Matthew 1:18-25) |
2019.12.15 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Rest for Your Souls” (Matthew 11:28-30) |
2019.12.08 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Everyone Did as They Saw Fit” (Judges 17:6) |
2019.12.01 | Pastor Howard Chang | “It’s Christmas, God” (Ephesians 5:1-2; John 20:21) |
2019.11.24 | Pastors Mondy Chen/Howard Chang | “Give Thanks to God 獻上感恩” (John 約 翰 福 音 3:16) |
2019.11.17 | Pastor Howard Chang | "Faith Like a Child" (Luke 18: 15-17) |
2019.10.27 | Pastor Howard Chang | “A Holy Community” (Haggai 2:10-19) |
2019.10.20 | Elder Dennis Logan | Colossians 3:2 |
2019.10.13 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Dealing with Discouragement” (Haggai 2:1-9) |
2019.10.06 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Stirred Hearts” (Haggai 1:12-15) |
2019.09.29 | Pastor Howard Chang | "Maintaining Spiritual Priorities" (Haggai 1:1-15) |
2019.09.22 | Eugene Chang | “No Higher Privilege than Becoming a Friend of Jesus Christ” |
2019.09.15 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Supremacy of Jesus” (Hebrew 1:1-4) |
2019.09.08 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Forgiveness and Reconciliation” (Genesis 45) |
2019.09.01 | Pastor Howard Chang | “A Renewed Conscience” (Genesis 42) |
2019.08.25 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Marks of Success” (Genesis 41), Part 2 |
2019.08.18 | Danny Hsu | “Desiring God” (Isaiah 58) |
2019.08.11 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Marks of Success” (Genesis 41), Part 1 |
2019.08.04 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The Heart of Apostle Paul” (Philippians 4:6-20) |
2019.07.28 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Watching and Waiting” (Genesis 40) |
2019.07.21 | Pastor Howard Chang | “How to Resist Temptation” (Genesis 39) |
2019.07.14 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Making of God’s Servant” (Genesis 37:2-36) |
2019.07.07 | Joseph Toan | 1) Communion Remarks 2) “Plan Like Mist” (James 4:13-5:6) |
2019.06.30 | Pastor Howard Chang | 1) VBS Recap 2) “Compelled by Love” (2 Corinthians 5:14-17) |
2019.06.23 | Elder Frank Lin | “The Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission” (John 21) |
2019.06.16 | Pastor Howard Chang | 1) "God the Father's Love for All" 2) Alpha Intro |
2019.06.09 | Pastor Howard Chang | “A Resilient Faith” (2 Timothy 3:10-17) |
2019.06.02 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Follow Your Passion” (Psalm 37) |
2019.05.26 | Pastor Mondy Chen | 1) Gideons International Presentation 2)“My Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth” |
2019.05.19 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “Stepping Out" |
2019.05.12 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Path Marked Out” (John 21:20-23) |
2019.05.05 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Finishing Strong” (Hebrews 12:1-3) |
2019.04.28 | Joseph Toan | “But First, Breakfast!” (John 21:1-19) |
2019.04.21 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Reasonable Faith” (John 20:24-31) |
2019.04.19 | Elder Frank Lin | Good Friday Message:
Christ's Agony - Our Access |
2019.03.31 | Elder Dennis Logan | “Dangerous Times" (Matthew 24:12) |
2019.03.24 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Give Me Liberty” (Romans 14:13-23) |
2019.03.17 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Dealing with Disputes” (Romans 14:1-12) |
2019.03.10 | Pastor Howard Chang | "Edifying One Another In Christ" (Hebrews 10:24-25) |
2019.03.03 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Daily Devotions” (Psalm 詩篇 119:9-11; 119:105; John 約翰福音 8:31-32) |
2019.02.24 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | I have commanded you...凡我所吩咐你們的... (2 Timothy 2:20-21; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 28:18-20) |
2019.02.17 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Connecting with God in the Busyness” (Mark 1:35) |
2019.02.10 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Unplugging and Connecting” (Luke 5:15-16) |
2019.02.03 | Joseph Toan | “God Establishes Authority” (Romans 13:1-7) |
2019.01.27 | Elder Patrick Leung | “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:13-16) |
2019.01.20 | Pastor Howard Chang | "Do You Know the Time?" (Romans 13:11-14) |
2019.01.13 | Robert Jennings | “The Gospel of Second Chances” |
2019.01.06 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Pay Off Your Debt” (Romans 13:8-10) |
2018.12.30 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Seek Him First in the New Year” (Matthew 6:33-34) |
2018.12.23 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Joy Every Day” (Luke 2:10) |
2018.12.16 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Our Daily Mission” (John 20:21) |
2018.03.30 | Elder Dennis Logan | Good Friday Service |