Memorial For Tung-Ming (Tom) Hsieh 謝東明弟兄追思紀念
Event Date: February 5, 2021 Time: 4:00 PM Location: ZOOM 網上聚會
You’ve been invited to attend our memorial service for Tung-Ming (Tom) Hsieh. We are saddened by our loss, but we feel blessed by your prayers and love. We have lost an amazing friend, brother, husband, father and grandfather. The Hsieh family would be happy to have you attend his memorial on February 5th, 2021 through Zoom. In lieu of flowers, if you would like to send a gift, the Hsieh family has requested gifts be donated through this website. You may also access the donation site directly here. More than anything, the Hsieh family feels immensely graced with the many prayers, condolences, and well wishes from the beautiful community that has shown love to Tom and his family these many years.
您已受邀參加謝東明弟兄的(Tung-Ming Tom Hsieh)追悼會。 我們為我們的失落感到難過,但因您的祈禱和愛感到幸福。 我們失去了一位了不起的朋友,兄弟,丈夫,父親和祖父。 謝家誠邀您通過Zoom, 在網上參加他的追悼會。 如果您想寄送禮物,謝家人請您通過此網站或直接進入此頁面來捐贈禮物,以代替鮮花。 更多的是,謝家從這對東明弟兄及其家人多年來充滿了愛意的美麗社區裡收到了滿滿的祈禱,慰問和祝福。
Zoom Meeting 網上追悼會
United States 美國時間
Friday, February 5th, 2021
4pm Pacific
週五, 二零二一年二月五日, 太平洋時間下午四點
Taiwan 台灣時間
8am, Saturday, February 6th, 2021
週六, 二零二一年二月六日早上八點
Zoom Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 853 6600 9863
Zoom Passcode: 210120