2022 Vacation Bible School 兒童暑期聖經營
Event Date: July 11, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: DCCC

This summer, Davis Chinese Christian Church is taking your children “Around the World with Jesus”. We will be discovering the truth about Jesus as we study His life in our adventure time. Then, on our trip around the globe, we will look first at the world situation and then travel to Myanmar, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Northern Iraq. We will have music, games and crafts featuring different aspects of the cultures we visit. Come join us for a fast-paced week of adventure.
We welcome children from 3 years old by June 1st to current 6th graders to join us on this trip.
Looking forward to seeing your kids on July 11-15, 2022, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm!
今年夏天,大衛市基督教會將邀請您的孩子“與耶穌一起環遊世界”。 在此次的冒險旅程中, 透過探索耶穌的生平,我們將更多了解耶穌。 並在在我們的環球之旅中,關注世界形勢,我們將前往緬甸、印度尼西亞、孟加拉國和伊拉克北部。 我們將有音樂、遊戲和手工來學習各國的文化。 快來加入我們快節奏的冒險週吧。 我們歡迎 3 歲到現在 6 年級的孩子加入我們的旅程。6/1前報名, 有早鳥優惠! 請在此處註冊:https://forms.gle/MQd89QN7j96csbyG8 期待在 2022 年 7 月 11 日至 15 日上午 9:00 至下午 12:00 與您的孩子見面!