Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Jews For Jesus “Christ in the Passover” Presentation

Published April 5, 2020

April 5, 2020, 11:00am Jews for Jesus Christ in the Passover presentation: Mandarin and Cantonese Services, English Sunday School Two Viewing Options: Live stream:  Pre-registration required. Go to this link […]

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DCCC 2019 Christmas Program

Published December 24, 2019

Please make plans to join our Christmas Eve Service on 12/24 at 7:00 p.m. 歡迎邀請朋友在12/24週二晚上7:00參加教會聖誕夜崇拜聚會。

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Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Published December 21, 2019

As a means of outreach to our community and the needy, DCCC has volunteered to ring the holiday bell for the Salvation Army at CVS Marketplace on Saturday, 12/21 from […]

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