Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Other Resources

 Pre-K Sunday School

Children Resources For COVID-19: 
1. ‘Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Protect Yourself’ – Dr. Panda TotoTime

This six-minute coronavirus prevention video is one in a series about the COVID-19 pandemic from this animated educational channel aimed at younger kids. It focuses on allaying children’s fears and answering their most common coronavirus questions (about why we need to stay inside, for example).
2. Coronavirus: How to Teach Kids About COVID-19 | BrainPOP


David C Cook (Click on Above)


(Click on Above)


  1. Hail to the King! Palm Sunday (Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
  2. Jesus Dies (Good Friday Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
  3. Celebrating Jesus: Good Friday Activities for Kids and Families
  4. Jesus Is Alive! Easter Sunday (Preschool and Elementary Lesson)


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