Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Missions Sunday/為教會差傳主日

Event Date: 5月 19, 2019 Time: 9:00 上午 Location: DCCC

We will have a Missions Sunday on 5/19/2019.  Rev. Gershom Lee, our retired Senior Pastor, will speak on the topic, “Stepping out 走出去,” in both the English and Mandarin/Cantonese joint services.  Mr. Ray Heinen, Director of SAT-7 USA, will share with us how the Gospel is being preached in the Middle East and North Africa through satellite television in the Mandarin/Cantonese joint Sunday School as well as English Sunday School.

下週日(5/19)為教會差傳主日。李革舜牧師將在英語及國/粵語聯合崇拜中主講信息「走出去」。RayHeinen弟兄 (Director of SAT-7 USA)在國/粵語聯合主日學及英語主日學中分享:福音如何透過衛星電視廣播傳與中東和北非洲地區。

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