Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

Harvest Festival

Event Date: 6 11 月, 2021 Time: 10:00 上午 Location: DCCC

Harvest Festival- Children’s Ministry welcomes families with children 6th grade and below to a morning of fun and activities on 11/6 from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon.  Come in costume!  Join us for a time of Thanksgiving and giving back to the Lord.  Along with the fun and games, we will also be packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child as well as writing notes to children in Bangladesh!  Register on the Children’s page at our church website:
兒童事工舉辦豐收歡慶活動!  歡迎六年級及以下兒童之家庭參加11/6上午 10:00 至中午 12:00 豐收歡慶活動。 請穿上歡慶服裝,加入我們一同感恩並獻上對神的記念。 除了歡樂的攤位遊戲,我們將為國際兒童聖誕鞋盒禮物行動(Operation Christmas Child)打包鞋盒,愛中送暖,並為孟加拉的孩子們寫筆記。報名請至教會兒童網頁

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