Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

2021 國語講道

Various DCCC messages from the Mandarin congregation. Click on the link(s) to watch/listen.

2021.12.26Pastor Mondy Chen“讚美耶和華”
2021.12.19Elder Frank Lin“耶穌-君王、救主、主基督 Jesus – The King, The Savior, Christ The Lord”
2021.12.12Pastor Mondy Chen“祂的國直到永遠 His Kingdom Will Never End”
2021.12.05Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌, 以馬内利 Jesus Immanuel”
2021.11.28Pastor Mondy Chen“Praise the Lord O My Soul 我的心你要讚美耶和華”
2021.11.14Pastor John Van Gorkom“Joy In Humility 謙和中的喜樂”
2021.11.07Pastor Mondy Chen“No Rain for Three Years 三年不下雨”
2021.10.31Elder Frank Lin“豐豐富富進入主的國 An Entrance Richly Supplied into The Kingdom of The Lord”
2021.10.24Pastor Mondy Chen “天使在神面前喜樂 Angels Rejoice Before the Lord”
2021.10.17Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌關心祂的教會 Jesus Cares about His Churches”
2021.10.10Pastor Mondy Chen“Baptized into Christ Jesus 受洗歸入基督耶穌”
2021.10.03Pastor Mondy Chen“教會信仰的内容 DCCC Faith Statement”
2021.09.26Elder Wei Feng“與主同行 – “離棄作 ‘誠實納稅人’的心志”
2021.09.19Pastor Mondy Chen“來敬拜我們的主耶穌 Come and Worship Our Lord Jesus”
2021.09.12Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌關心祂的教會 Jesus Cares about His Church”
2021.09.05Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌基督的啟示 The Revelation of Jesus Christ”
2021.08.29Elder Frank Lin“羔羊是配 Worthy Is The Lamb”
2021.08.22Pastor Mondy Chen“Preach God’s Word in Season or Out of Season 務要傳道,無論得時不得時”
2021.08.15Pastor Mondy Chen“佳美腳蹤, 傳講福音 Beautiful Feet Share the Gospel”
2021.08.08Elder Wei Feng“As Faithful Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God 作神百般恩賜的好管家”
2021.08.01Pastor Mondy Chen“堅信三位一體,抵擋異端 Believe the Trinity and Resist the Cults”
2021.07.25Pastor Mondy Chen“堅信三位一體,抵擋異端 Believe the Trinity and Resist the Cults”
2021.07.18Pastor Gershom Lee“敬虔生活,迎接主來”
2021.07.11Pastor Mondy Chen“穿上神的全副軍裝 Put on the Full Armor of God”
2021.07.04Pastor Mondy Chen"勝過世界專心愛主 Overcome the World and Love the Lord”
2021.06.27Pastor Mondy Chen“敬拜與靈命的復興 Reopen & Revival”
2021.06.20Elder Wei Feng不惜其子,竟有這樣的父!?”
2021.06.13Pastor Mondy Chen“聖殿重新開放 The Temple Reopens”
2021.06.06Pastor Mondy Chen“過聖潔的生活 Living Holy”
2021.05.30Pastor Mondy Chen“對付肉體的罪,過聖潔的生活 Resist the Flesh and Live a Godly Life”
2021.05.23周芷芸宣教士 (Betty Chou)差傳主日: “來罷,起來遍傳福音 ! Come, Let Us Rise Up To Preach the Gospel”
2021.05.16Dr. David Leung“Like Father, Like Son 有其父必有其子”
2021.05.09Pastor Mondy Chen“The Five Mothers God Used 神使用的五位母親”
2021.05.02Pastor Mondy Chen“Led by the Holy Spirit 順從聖靈的帶領”
2021.04.25Pastor Mondy Chen"Follow the Holy Spirit 跟隨聖靈”
2021.04.18Elder Frank Lin“More Like My Master 更像我恩主”
2021.04.11Pastor Mondy Chen“身體獻上, 當作活祭 Offer Your Body as a Living Sacrifice”
2021.04.04Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌復活 The Resurrection of Jesus”
2021.03.28Pastor Mondy Chen十字架七言 The Passion of Jesus: The Last Seven Words on the Cross”
2021.03.21Elder Wei Feng“你們來看 Come and see”
2021.03.14Pastor Mondy Chen“Read God’s Word 讀神的話: 真理必叫你們得以自由”
2021.03.07Pastor Mondy Chen“讀神的話: 聰明與愚昧的建築工人 Read God’s Words: The Wise and the Foolish Builders”
2021.02.28Pastor Mondy Chen“讀神的話 Read God’s Words”
2021.02.21Elder Frank Lin“要等候耶和華 Wait for the Lord”
2021.02.14Pastor Mondy Chen“操練禱告 Practice Prayer”
2021.02.07Pastor Mondy Chen“操練禱告 Practice Prayer”
2021.01.31Pastor Ming Huang“Pandemic and Gospel 疫情與福音”
2021.01.24Pastor Mondy Chen“DCCC's Mission- Compassion 我們的使命-對人憐憫”
2021.01.17Pastor Mondy Chen“DCCC's Mission- Commitment 我們的使命-對主忠心”
2021.01.10Pastor Mondy Chen“DCCC's Mission- Celebration 我們的使命-對神敬拜”
2021.01.03Pastor Mondy Chen“DCCC's Mission - Discipleship 我們的使命-門徒造就”

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