Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

2020 國語講道

Various DCCC messages from the Mandarin congregation. Click on the link(s) to watch/listen.

2020.12.27Elder Frank Lin“智慧的心: 贖回光陰 A Heart of Wisdom: Redeeming The Time”
2020.12.20Pastor Mondy Chen“救主,主 & 基 督 Savior, Lord & Messiah” (路加福音 Luke 2:10-12)
2020.12.13Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌,以馬內利與君王 Jesus, Emmanuel and King”
2020.12.06Pastor Mondy Chen“若我曾愛救主, 如今更親愛 If Ever I Loved Thee My Jesus, 'Tis Now”
2020.11.29Pastor Mondy Chen“在困難時獻上感恩與讚美 In Difficult Times Give Our Thanks and Praises”
2020.11.22Elder Patrick LeungCombined Thanksgiving Service
2020.11.15Pastor Mondy Chen“獻上我們的讚美與感恩 Offer Our Praise and Thanksgiving” (詩篇 Psalm 150)
2020.11.01Pastor Mondy Chen“Pray for the Nation 為美國禱告”
2020.10.25Elder Frank Lin“從基拉耳到別是巴: 恩典的承受與應許的經歷 From Gerar to Beersheba: Grace Received and Promise Experienced”
2020.10.18Pastor Mondy Chen“God, Government and Church 上帝、 政府與教會”
2020.10.11Pastor Mondy ChenNot available at this time
2020.10.04Pastor Mondy Chen“神國的投票者:基督徒的責 任與機會與上帝同工,讓上帝通過社會與政府拓展祂的領導”
2020.09.27Elder Wei Feng“信心與行為 Faith and Deeds”
2020.09.20Pastor Mondy Chen“行出愛與憐憫而不是偏見"
2020.09.13Pastor Ming Huang“奇異恩典~32 年事奉有感 Amazing Grace -- Reflection of 32 Years Ministry”
2020.09.06Pastor Mondy Chen“聽道與行道 Listening and Doing”
2020.08.30Pastor Mondy Chen“經過試煉得著生命冠冕 Go through Trials and Receive the Crown of Life”
2020.08.23Pastor Howard Chang“The Secret of Contentment”
2020.08.16Pastor Mondy Chen“經過百般試煉 Go through Trials”
2020.08.09Elder Frank Lin“Let Christ Be Exalted in Me 讓基督在我身上顯大”
2020.08.02Pastor Mondy Chen"參與上帝對種族的計劃 Doing God’s Plan about Races”
2020.07.26Pastor Mondy Chen “實行上帝對種族的計劃 Doing God’s Plan about Races”
2020.07.19Pastor Gershom Lee“Possessing the True Freedom in Christ 得著基督裡的真自由”
2020.07.12Pastor Mondy Chen“Present Suffering and Future Glory 當今的苦難與將來的榮耀”
2020.07.05Pastor Mondy Chen“Freedom and Responsibilities 自由與責任”
2020.06.28Elder Patrick Leung“信仰的傳承: 家庭祭壇 Inheritance of faith: Family Altar”
2020.06.21Pastor Mondy Chen“Father's Mission in the 21st Century 父親的使命在這 21 世紀”
2020.06.14Elder Frank Lin“父神的慈愛 The Love of the Father”
2020.06.07Pastor Mondy Chen“Learn from King David's Examples 學習大衛王的榜樣”
2020.05.31Elder Dennis Logan“An Overwhelming Truth”
2020.05.24Pastor Mondy Chen“7 Feasts Point to Jesus 七節慶指向耶稣”
2020.05.17Pastor Mondy Chen“The Five Offerings Point to Jesus 五種獻祭指向耶稣” (Leviticus 利未記 4:1–35)
2020.05.10Elder Frank Lin“以便以謝-得勝的宣告 Ebenezer - Declaration of Victory”
2020.05.03Pastor Mondy Chen耶穌的的愛與犧牲 Jesus’ Love and Sacrifice”
2020.04.26Pastor Mondy Chen“Humble before God and Turn from Wicked Ways 謙卑歸向神, 轉離惡行”
2020.04.19Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Willing to Seek the Lord 定意尋求耶和華”
2020.04.12Pastor Mondy ChenEaster Sunday: “耶穌復活 The Resurrection of Jesus”
2020.04.10Pastor Kelvin Chiu耶穌受難日聚會
2020.04.05Pastor Mondy Chen“Jesus Journeyed to the Cross” (Matthew 27:21-51)
2020.03.29Patrick Leung冠狀病毒中給我從聖經中的學習功課
2020.03.22Frank Lin“往下扎根,向上結果 Take Root Downward, and Bear Fruit Upward”
2020.03.15Pastor Mondy Chen圣经中的 瘟 疫 Plagues in the Bible
2020.03.08Pastor Mondy Chen“上帝偉大救恩的計劃 –亞伯拉罕的失敗 (創 12:6-18)"
2020.03.01Pastor Mondy Chen"上帝與亞伯拉罕和我們立約" (創世記 15:1-8)
2020.02.23Pastor Gershom Lee"試煉的祝福” (雅各書 1:1-12)
2020.02.16Pastor Mondy Chen“上帝偉大救恩的計畫 –亞伯拉罕 God’s Great Salvation Plan–Abraham”
2020.02.09Pastor Dan Britts“耶穌正坐在你的沙發上" (路加福音 10:38-42)
2020.02.02Dennis Logan思念天上的事
2020.01.26Pastor Mondy Chen“God’s Great Salvation Plan-Noah 上帝偉大救恩的計畫-挪亞”
2020.01.19Pastor Mondy Chen“上帝偉大救恩的計畫 God’s Great Salvation Plan”
2020.01.12Pastor Mondy Chen“上帝偉大救恩的計畫 God’s Great Salvation Plan”
2020.01.05Frank Lin“得勝者-靠主耶穌得勝 Overcomers- Victory in Jesus”

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