2021.12.26 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Knowing Christ and being like Him 認識基督並像他一樣” |
2021.12.19 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Prepare the Way for Him 預備他的道路” |
2021.12.12 | Sue Chee | “The Best Gift Ever 最好的禮物” |
2021.12.05 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Praying for Power 通過祈禱得到力量” |
2021.11.28 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The Christ-Centered Life 以基督為中心" |
2021.11.14 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “兩下合而為一 Destroyed the Barrier” |
2021.11.07 | Elder Patrick Leung | “當樂意事奉耶和華” |
2021.10.31 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “神的恩典 God’s grace” |
2021.10.24 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The power of Prayer 禱告所帶來能力” |
2021.10.17 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Live in Christ 活在基督裡” |
2021.10.10 | Pastor John Van Gorkom | “Standing In God's Presence” |
2021.10.03 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “揀選的目的" |
2021.09.26 | Pastor Wai Ng | “服事這世代的人” |
2021.09.19 | Pastor John Van Gorkom | Blessing in christ-在基督裡的福份 |
2021.09.12 | Elder Frank Lin | “羔羊是配 Worthy Is The Lamb” |
2021.09.05 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “屬靈的福氣 Spiritual blessing” |
2021.08.29 | Elder Wei Feng | “主啊! 你是誰? Who are you, Lord?” |
2021.08.22 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Faithful in Jesus 耶穌裡忠心的人” |
2021.08.15 | Eugene Chang | “基督的慈悲、復活和恩典的寶座 The Compassion, Resurrection of Christ and the Throne of Grace” |
2021.08.08 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Examine Yourselves 查驗你的屬靈生命” |
2021.08.01 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Worship in trials 苦難中的敬拜” |
2021.07.25 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “敬虔生活,迎接主來” |
2021.07.18 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "Prepare Church reopening 準備重開教會” |
2021.07.11 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “I press on to take hold of that 竭力追求” |
2021.07.04 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "忠心有見識的管家 Faithful and wise manager” |
2021.06.27 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "心意更新而變化 Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind” |
2021.06.20 | Dr David Leung | “Like Father, Like Son 有其父必有其子” |
2021.06.13 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “父親的權威 The Authority of Father” |
2021.06.06 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “你就是那人 You Are The Man” |
2021.05.30 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "I’d rather be in the House of the Lord 愛回家之開心速回” |
2021.05.23 | 周芷芸宣教士 (Betty Chou) | “差傳主日: 來罷,起來遍傳福音 ! Come, Let Us Rise Up To Preach the Gospel” |
2021.05.16 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “不至於閒懶不結果子 Keep you from being ineffective and unproductive” |
2021.05.09 | Elder Wei Feng | “孕育之恩 - 知恩圖報” |
2021.05.02 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Receive the Crown of Glory that will Never Fade Away 得那永不衰殘的榮耀冠冕” |
2021.04.25 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Be Alert and of Sober Mind 謹慎自守” |
2021.04.18 | Pastor John Van Gorkom | “An Illustration of Grace” |
2021.04.11 | Elder Patrick Leung | “The Glory of God 神的榮耀” |
2021.04.04 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "願意為義受苦的生活 Willing to Suffer for Righteousness” |
2021.03.28 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "願意為義受苦的生活 Willing to Suffer for Righteousness” |
2021.03.21 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “敬虔的生活 Live Godly Lives” |
2021.03.14 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “Reaping the Harvests 收成莊稼” |
2021.03.07 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “聖潔的教會 Holy Church” |
2021.02.28 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “屬靈生命的成長 Spiritual growth” |
2021.02.21 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “聖徒的盼望 Hope for the Grace” |
2021.02.14 | Brother Kuk-Shing Chow | “預備迎見我們的神 Prepare to Meet Our God” |
2021.02.07 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “耶穌的使命 The Mission of Jesus” |
2021.01.31 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Spiritual Warfare 屬靈爭戰” |
2021.01.24 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “DCCC's Mission- Compassion 我們的使命-對人憐憫” |
2021.01.17 | Pastor Howard Chang | “DCCC's Mission - Commitment 我們的使命-對人憐憫” |
2021.01.10 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “DCCC's Mission - Celebration 我們的使命-對神敬拜” |
2021.01.03 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “DCCC's Mission - Discipleship 我們的使命-門徒造就” |