2019.12.29 | Pastor Mondy Chen
| “我們要讚美耶和華 Praise the LORD” (詩篇 Psalm 23:1-6; 146:1-10) |
2019.12.22 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Jesus, Immanuel and King 耶穌、以馬內利與君王” |
2019.12.15 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Joy Every Day” (Luke 2:10)“Joy Every Day” (Luke 2:10) |
2019.12.08 | Elder Frank Lin | “聖靈的更新-更像恩主 The Renewing of the Holy Spirit - More Like the Master” |
2019.12.01 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “救主、主與基督 Savior, Lord & Christ” (路加福音 Luke 2:1-15) |
2019.11.24 | Pastors Mondy Chen/Howard Chang | “Give Thanks to God 獻上感恩” (John 約 翰 福 音 3:16) |
2019.11.17 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “偉大信心的榜樣 Great Examples of Faith” |
2019.10.27 | Elder Frank Lin | “毘努伊勒 Peniel” |
2019.10.20 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Jesus’ Sacrifice Makes Us Holy 耶穌的贖罪祭使我們成聖” |
2019.10.13 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌更美的祭 Jesus the Better Sacrifice” |
2019.10.06 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌, 我們的大祭司 Jesus, Our High Priest” (Hebrews 希伯來書 5:1-10) |
2019.09.29 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “若有人要跟從我,就當...Whoever Wants to Be My Disciple Must...” |
2019.09.22 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Jesus Our High Priest 耶穌我們的大祭司” (Hebrews 希伯來書 4:8-16) |
2019.09.15 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “Living a Glorified Life 過榮美的人生” (1 Peter 彼得前書 1:1-9) |
2019.09.08 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Resilient Faith” (1 Timothy 3:10-17) |
2019.09.06 | Pastor Gershom Lee | Hebrews -李革舜牧師信息分享 |
2019.09.01 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Jesus Greater Than Moses 耶穌超越摩西” (Hebrew 希伯來書 3:1-5) |
2019.08.25 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌超越天使 Jesus Superior to Angels” (Hebrew 希伯來書 1:4-14) |
2019.08.18 | Danny Hsu | “合神心意的基督徒” (以賽亞書 Isaiah 58) |
2019.08.11 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌是神本體的真像 Jesus Is the Exact Representation of God” |
2019.08.04 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶和華是我的牧者 Yahweh Is My Shepherd” |
2019.07.28 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝的義怒 The Righteous Wrath of God” |
2019.07.21 | Elder Frank Lin | “向耶和華唱新歌 Sing A New Song to the LORD” |
2019.07.14 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝的怒氣 The Wrath of God” (民數記 Numbers 11:31-34; 14:29-37) |
2019.07.07 | Elder Winston Ko | “好牧人 The Good Shepherd” (約翰福音 John 10:11,14-16) |
2019.06.30 | Kuk Chow | “新造的人 A New Creature” |
2019.06.16 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “不一樣的生命 In the Meantime” (約翰福音 John 4:39-42) |
2019.06.09 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Continuing Strong” (希伯來書 Hebrews 12:1-3) |
2019.06.02 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “My Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth 作我的見證直到地極”, Part 2 |
2019.05.26 | Pastor Mondy Chen | 1) Gideons International Presentation 2)"作我的見證直到地極”, Part 1 |
2019.05.19 | Pastor Gershom Lee | "走出去” (With Cantonese Translation) |
2019.05.12 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “A Wife of Noble Character 才德的妻子” |
2019.05.05 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌血所立的新約 The New Covenant in Jesus’ Blood” |
2019.04.28 | Kuk Chow | “不見一人,只見耶穌 See No One Except Jesus” (Cantonese w/ Mandarin Translation) |
2019.04.21 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌復活 The Resurrection of Jesus” (約翰福音 John 20:19-31) |
2019.04.19 | Elder Frank Lin | 耶穌受難日聚會:
基督的受苦-我們的通路 |
2019.04.07 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “我為何需要耶穌 Why Do I Need to Believe in Jesus?” (Part 3) |
2019.03.31 | Elder Dennis Logan | "危險時刻” (馬太福音 24:12) |
2019.03.24 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Why Do I Need to Believe in Jesus? 我為何需要信耶穌?” (Part 2) |
2019.03.17 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Why Do I Need to Believe in Jesus? 我為何需要信耶稣?” |
2019.03.10 | Elder Patrick Leung | "認識主耶穌的事奉" (約翰福音/John 1:35-42) |
2019.03.03 | Elder Winston Ko | “世界的光 Light of the Word” (John 約翰福音 8:12, Matthew 馬太福音 5:12-14) |
2019.02.24 | Pastor Howard Chang | “Edifying One Another in Christ 在基督裡彼此薰陶” (Hebrews 10:24-25) |
2019.02.17 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “I have commanded you...凡我所吩咐你們的...” (2 Timothy 2:20-21; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 28:18-20) |
2019.02.10 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Daily Devotions 讀經靈修” (詩篇 Psalm 119:9-11, 105; 約翰福音 John 8:31-32) |
2019.02.08 | Pastor Gershom Lee | Combined Mandarin Fellowship Service |
2019.02.03 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “個人的禱告與同心合意的禱告 Individual and Group Prayer” (馬太福音 Matthew 6:5- 13; 18:19-20) |
2019.01.27 | Elder Frank Lin | “主耶穌啊, 我願你來! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!” |
2019.01.20 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “The Gospel 福音” (John 約翰福音 3:14-18) |
2019.01.13 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “失落的羊 The Lost Sheep” (路加福音 Luke 15:3-7) |
2019.01.06 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌的愛(血所立的新約)" - 路加福音 Luke 22:15-20 |
2018.12.30 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌賜下救贖、恩惠與平安 Jesus Gives Us Redemption, Grace and Peace” (啟 示錄 1:1-8) |
2018.12.23 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “救主,主,基督 Savior, Lord and Christ” (路加福音 Luke 2:1-14) |
2018.12.16 | Pastor Lianhai Fu | “跟随耶穌的人” (路加福音 Luke 14:25-27) |
2018.10.12 | Pastor Gershom Lee | "Living Water 活水"
2018.03.30 | Elder Dennis Logan | Good Friday Service 耶穌受難日聚會 |