Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

國語講道 (Audio/Video)

 June 13, 2021 to present (Youtube Mandarin Playlist)

5/22/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“全心仰賴耶和華 Trust in the LORD with All Your Heart”
5/15/2022Elder Wei Feng“你所看見的...What You Saw”
5/8/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“The Importance of the Mother 母親的重要”
5/1/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“聖餐記念主 Communion”
4/24/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“不要停止聚會 Not Giving Up Meeting Together”
4/17/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“耶穌復活 The Resurrection of Jesus”
4/15/2022Various2022 Good Friday Service
4/10/2022Elder Frank Lin“基督得勝的行列 In Christ’s Triumphal Procession”
4/3/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“Jesus’ Journey to the Cross 耶穌走向十字架的旅程”
3/27/2022Elder Wei Feng"做更大的事 Do Greater Works"
3/20/2022Pastor Fu Qiang"Obey the Great Commission 大使命中的順服"
3/13/2022Pastor Mondy Chen"大使命 The Great Commission"
3/6/2022Elder Frank Lin"聖餐 - 為的是紀念主 Communion – In Remembrance of the Lord"
2/27/2022Steve Weemes2022 DCCC Missions Conference Sunday Worship Services
2/20/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“化障礙為機會 Turn Obstacles to Opportunities”
2/13/2022Elder Frank Lin“異象與使命 The Vision and Mission”
2/6/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“Heavenly Worship 天上的敬拜"
1/30/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“讓我們一起來敬拜主 Let Us Worship the Lord”
1/23/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“安靜得力 Receiving Power in the Presence of God”
1/16/2022Elder Wei Feng“Lord, I Ask for Desiring You 主啊,我向祢求渴慕”
1/9/2022Pastor Mondy Chen“聖經與你 The Bible and You” (Psalm 詩 19:7-10; 2 Timothy 提後 3:16-17; Acts徒 17:11)
1/2/2022Pastor Mondy Chen"Hallelujah 哈利路亚,赞美耶和华”


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