2020.12.27 | Elder Frank Lin | “智慧的心: 贖回光陰 A Heart of Wisdom: Redeeming The Time” |
2020.12.20 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “救主,主 & 基 督 Savior, Lord & Messiah” (路加福音 Luke 2:10-12) |
2020.12.13 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “耶穌,以馬內利與君王 Jesus, Emmanuel and King” |
2020.12.06 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “若我曾愛救主, 如今更親愛 If Ever I Loved Thee My Jesus, 'Tis Now” |
2020.11.29 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “在困難時獻上感恩與讚美 In Difficult Times Give Our Thanks and Praises” |
2020.11.22 | Elder Patrick Leung | Combined Thanksgiving Service |
2020.11.15 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “獻上我們的讚美與感恩 Offer Our Praise and Thanksgiving” (詩篇 Psalm 150) |
2020.11.01 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Pray for the Nation 為美國禱告” |
2020.10.25 | Elder Frank Lin | “從基拉耳到別是巴: 恩典的承受與應許的經歷 From Gerar to Beersheba: Grace Received and Promise Experienced” |
2020.10.18 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “God, Government and Church 上帝、 政府與教會” |
2020.10.11 | Pastor Mondy Chen | Not available at this time |
2020.10.04 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “神國的投票者:基督徒的責 任與機會與上帝同工,讓上帝通過社會與政府拓展祂的領導” |
2020.09.27 | Elder Wei Feng | “信心與行為 Faith and Deeds” |
2020.09.20 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “行出愛與憐憫而不是偏見" |
2020.09.13 | Pastor Ming Huang | “奇異恩典~32 年事奉有感 Amazing Grace -- Reflection of 32 Years Ministry” |
2020.09.06 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “聽道與行道 Listening and Doing” |
2020.08.30 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “經過試煉得著生命冠冕 Go through Trials and Receive the Crown of Life” |
2020.08.23 | Pastor Howard Chang | “The Secret of Contentment” |
2020.08.16 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “經過百般試煉 Go through Trials” |
2020.08.09 | Elder Frank Lin | “Let Christ Be Exalted in Me 讓基督在我身上顯大” |
2020.08.02 | Pastor Mondy Chen | "參與上帝對種族的計劃 Doing God’s Plan about Races” |
2020.07.26 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “實行上帝對種族的計劃 Doing God’s Plan about Races” |
2020.07.19 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “Possessing the True Freedom in Christ 得著基督裡的真自由” |
2020.07.12 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Present Suffering and Future Glory 當今的苦難與將來的榮耀” |
2020.07.05 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Freedom and Responsibilities 自由與責任” |
2020.06.28 | Elder Patrick Leung | “信仰的傳承: 家庭祭壇 Inheritance of faith: Family Altar” |
2020.06.21 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Father's Mission in the 21st Century 父親的使命在這 21 世紀” |
2020.06.14 | Elder Frank Lin | “父神的慈愛 The Love of the Father” |
2020.06.07 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Learn from King David's Examples 學習大衛王的榜樣” |
2020.05.31 | Elder Dennis Logan | “An Overwhelming Truth” |
2020.05.24 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “7 Feasts Point to Jesus 七節慶指向耶稣” |
2020.05.17 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “The Five Offerings Point to Jesus 五種獻祭指向耶稣” (Leviticus 利未記 4:1–35) |
2020.05.10 | Elder Frank Lin | “以便以謝-得勝的宣告 Ebenezer - Declaration of Victory” |
2020.05.03 | Pastor Mondy Chen | 耶穌的的愛與犧牲 Jesus’ Love and Sacrifice” |
2020.04.26 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Humble before God and Turn from Wicked Ways 謙卑歸向神, 轉離惡行” |
2020.04.19 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Willing to Seek the Lord 定意尋求耶和華” |
2020.04.12 | Pastor Mondy Chen | Easter Sunday: “耶穌復活 The Resurrection of Jesus” |
2020.04.10 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | 耶穌受難日聚會 |
2020.04.05 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “Jesus Journeyed to the Cross” (Matthew 27:21-51) |
2020.03.29 | Patrick Leung | 冠狀病毒中給我從聖經中的學習功課 |
2020.03.22 | Frank Lin | “往下扎根,向上結果 Take Root Downward, and Bear Fruit Upward” |
2020.03.15 | Pastor Mondy Chen | 圣经中的 瘟 疫 Plagues in the Bible |
2020.03.08 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝偉大救恩的計劃 –亞伯拉罕的失敗 (創 12:6-18)" |
2020.03.01 | Pastor Mondy Chen | "上帝與亞伯拉罕和我們立約" (創世記 15:1-8) |
2020.02.23 | Pastor Gershom Lee | "試煉的祝福” (雅各書 1:1-12) |
2020.02.16 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝偉大救恩的計畫 –亞伯拉罕 God’s Great Salvation Plan–Abraham” |
2020.02.09 | Pastor Dan Britts | “耶穌正坐在你的沙發上" (路加福音 10:38-42) |
2020.02.02 | Dennis Logan | 思念天上的事 |
2020.01.26 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “God’s Great Salvation Plan-Noah 上帝偉大救恩的計畫-挪亞” |
2020.01.19 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝偉大救恩的計畫 God’s Great Salvation Plan” |
2020.01.12 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “上帝偉大救恩的計畫 God’s Great Salvation Plan” |
2020.01.05 | Frank Lin | “得勝者-靠主耶穌得勝 Overcomers- Victory in Jesus” |