DCCF is a fellowship within the Davis Chinese Christian Church. We have meetings every Friday at 7:30 PM at the church. Activities include Bible studies, different types of workshops, movie nights, and outdoor activities. Whether you are a Christian or a non-believer, we welcome you to learn more about God and building a relationship with Him within His love.
粤语大学生团契是大卫市基督教会里的大学生粤语团契。我们每个星期五晚上 7:30 在大卫市基督教会聚会。活动包括查经、工作坊、电影观赏,还有一些户外活动等等。不论你是基督徒、慕道友或是还未认识 神的朋友,我们都欢迎你一起认识神,在祂的爱中建立自己,并与神以及彼此建立关系。
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