主日网路敬拜 2020.04.05
English Sermon: “God’s Intimacy”
John 13-17
Worship List:
Stricken Smitten and Afflicted
We Have Been Healed
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Cantonese Sermon: “等與看 Waited Patiently and Wonders What You Have Done”
Psalm 40:1-17
Mandarin Sermon: “Jesus Journeyed to the Cross”
(Matthew 27:21-51)
For English Adult Sunday School and the Mandarin and Cantonese services, there will also be a presentation given by Jews for Jesus entitled, “Christ in the Passover.”
Two Viewing Options:
- Live stream: Pre-registration required. Go to this link to register.
- Pre-recorded presentation: See below (registration not required).
以下為猶太人歸主(Jews for Jesus)預製的影片,題目是“逾越節的基督”。
- 視頻直播:需要預先註冊。請由此鏈接進行註冊。
- 預製影片:請點擊下面影片收看。(無需註冊)