Sunday Services/主日崇拜時間: English/英語–9:00AM, Cantonese/粵語-10:30AM, Mandarin/國語–10:30AM - get directions

2021 粤语讲道/Cantonese Messages

Various DCCC messages from the Cantonese congregation. Click on the link(s) to watch/listen.

2021.12.26Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Knowing Christ and being like Him 認識基督並像他一樣”
2021.12.19Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Prepare the Way for Him 預備他的道路”
2021.12.12Sue Chee“The Best Gift Ever 最好的禮物”
2021.12.05Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Praying for Power 通過祈禱得到力量”
2021.11.28Pastor Kelvin Chiu“The Christ-Centered Life 以基督為中心"
2021.11.14Pastor Kelvin Chiu“兩下合而為一 Destroyed the Barrier”
2021.11.07Elder Patrick Leung“當樂意事奉耶和華”
2021.10.31Pastor Kelvin Chiu“神的恩典 God’s grace”
2021.10.24Pastor Kelvin Chiu“The power of Prayer 禱告所帶來能力”
2021.10.17Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Live in Christ 活在基督裡”
2021.10.10Pastor John Van Gorkom“Standing In God's Presence”
2021.10.03Pastor Kelvin Chiu“揀選的目的"
2021.09.26Pastor Wai Ng “服事這世代的人”
2021.09.19Pastor John Van GorkomBlessing in christ-在基督裡的福份
2021.09.12Elder Frank Lin“羔羊是配 Worthy Is The Lamb”
2021.09.05Pastor Kelvin Chiu“屬靈的福氣 Spiritual blessing”
2021.08.29Elder Wei Feng“主啊! 你是誰? Who are you, Lord?”
2021.08.22Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Faithful in Jesus 耶穌裡忠心的人”
2021.08.15Eugene Chang“基督的慈悲、復活和恩典的寶座 The Compassion, Resurrection of Christ and the Throne of Grace”
2021.08.08Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Examine Yourselves 查驗你的屬靈生命”
2021.08.01Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Worship in trials 苦難中的敬拜”
2021.07.25Pastor Gershom Lee“敬虔生活,迎接主來”
2021.07.18Pastor Kelvin Chiu"Prepare Church reopening 準備重開教會”
2021.07.11Pastor Kelvin Chiu“I press on to take hold of that 竭力追求”
2021.07.04Pastor Kelvin Chiu"忠心有見識的管家 Faithful and wise manager”
2021.06.27Pastor Kelvin Chiu"心意更新而變化 Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind”
2021.06.20Dr David Leung“Like Father, Like Son 有其父必有其子”
2021.06.13Pastor Kelvin Chiu“父親的權威 The Authority of Father”
2021.06.06Pastor Kelvin Chiu“你就是那人 You Are The Man”
2021.05.30Pastor Kelvin Chiu"I’d rather be in the House of the Lord 愛回家之開心速回”
2021.05.23周芷芸宣教士 (Betty Chou)“差傳主日: 來罷,起來遍傳福音 ! Come, Let Us Rise Up To Preach the Gospel”
2021.05.16Pastor Kelvin Chiu“不至於閒懶不結果子 Keep you from being ineffective and unproductive”
2021.05.09Elder Wei Feng“孕育之恩 - 知恩圖報”
2021.05.02Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Receive the Crown of Glory that will Never Fade Away 得那永不衰殘的榮耀冠冕”
2021.04.25Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Be Alert and of Sober Mind 謹慎自守”
2021.04.18Pastor John Van Gorkom“An Illustration of Grace”
2021.04.11Elder Patrick Leung“The Glory of God 神的榮耀”
2021.04.04Pastor Kelvin Chiu"願意為義受苦的生活 Willing to Suffer for Righteousness”
2021.03.28Pastor Kelvin Chiu"願意為義受苦的生活 Willing to Suffer for Righteousness”
2021.03.21Pastor Kelvin Chiu“敬虔的生活 Live Godly Lives”
2021.03.14Pastor Gershom Lee “Reaping the Harvests 收成莊稼”
2021.03.07Pastor Kelvin Chiu“聖潔的教會 Holy Church”
2021.02.28Pastor Kelvin Chiu“屬靈生命的成長 Spiritual growth”
2021.02.21Pastor Kelvin Chiu“聖徒的盼望 Hope for the Grace”
2021.02.14Brother Kuk-Shing Chow“預備迎見我們的神 Prepare to Meet Our God”
2021.02.07Pastor Kelvin Chiu“耶穌的使命 The Mission of Jesus”
2021.01.31Pastor Kelvin Chiu“Spiritual Warfare 屬靈爭戰”
2021.01.24Pastor Kelvin Chiu“DCCC's Mission- Compassion 我們的使命-對人憐憫”
2021.01.17Pastor Howard Chang“DCCC's Mission - Commitment 我們的使命-對人憐憫”
2021.01.10Pastor Kelvin Chiu“DCCC's Mission - Celebration 我們的使命-對神敬拜”
2021.01.03Pastor Kelvin Chiu“DCCC's Mission - Discipleship 我們的使命-門徒造就”

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