2020.12.27 | Elder Kuk-Shing Chow | “誰掌管明天 Who Holds Tomorrow” |
2020.12.20 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “作基督的執事 To Be a Humble Servant” |
2020.12.13 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “屬靈人 Spiritual man”
Audio Version |
2020.12.06 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “認識真智慧 Know the true Wisdom” |
2020.11.29 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “我的生命在你手中 My life is in Your hand” |
2020.11.22 | Elder Patrick Leung | Combined Thanksgiving Service |
2020.11.15 | Elder Wei Feng | “主啊,求你鑒察我! Search Me, O God” (詩篇 Psalm 139:23-24) |
2020.11.01 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “定睛仰望基督的十字架 Looking Up at the Cross of Christ” |
2020.10.25 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “An Extraordinary Church 不同凡響的教會” |
2020.10.18 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Holy Life 聖潔的生活” |
2020.10.11 | Elder Patrick Leung | “萬軍之耶和華啊, 你的居所何等可愛!” |
2020.10.04 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “神的國就在你們心裡 Kingdom voting series # 1: The Kingdom of God Is within You” |
2020.09.27 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “跟從耶穌 Follow Jesus” |
2020.09.20 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “如何面對批評 How to face criticism” |
2020.09.13 | Eugene Chang | “Being Called To Be A Peacemaker” |
2020.09.06 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “你要警醒回想 You, Wake Up And Remember” |
2020.08.30 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Faith & Authority 信心與權柄” |
2020.08.23 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “四樣小物的智慧 The Wisdom of Four Things” |
2020.08.16 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The Secret of Contentment” |
2020.08.09 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “How many times should you forgive? 饒恕他幾次呢?” |
2020.08.02 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “尋寶的人 Treasure hunter” |
2020.07.26 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “What would Jesus want? 耶穌想要的是什麼?” |
2020.07.19 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “Possessing the True Freedom in Christ 得著基督裡的真自由” |
2020.07.2020 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “To Be a Smart Servant 作一個聰明的僕人” |
2020.07.05 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The Parable of the Bags of Gold 按才幹受託付的比喻” |
2020.06.28 | Pastor Andy Ching | “Your Identity? 你有身份?” |
2020.06.21 | Elder Frank Lin | “父神的慈愛 The Love of the Father” |
2020.06.14 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “歧視 Discrimination” |
2020.06.07 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Judges 士師: Deborah 底波拉” |
2020.05.31 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “日光之下無新事: 虛空 Nothing New under the Sun: Meaningless” |
2020.05.24 | Elder Kuk-Shing Chow | “微小的聲音 A Gentle Whisper” |
2020.05.17 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “The Power of the Holy Spirit 得力的秘訣” (Acts 使徒行傳 1:1-26) |
2020.05.10 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Prayers of a Mother 母親的祈禱” |
2020.05.03 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “聖潔的教會 Holy Church” |
2020.04.26 | Pastor Gershom Lee | “得勝有餘” |
2020.04.19 | Pastor Mondy Chen | “The Resurrection of Jesus 耶穌復活” |
2020.04.12 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | Easter Sunday: “若不悔改必滅亡 Repent or Perish” |
2020.04.10 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | 耶穌受難日聚會 |
2020.04.05 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “等與看 Waited Patiently and Wonders What You Have Done” |
2020.03.29 | Frank Lin | “往下扎根,向上結果 Take Root Downward, and Bear Fruit Upward” |
2020.03.22 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | "Build Our Foundation II 各人的工程 II” |
2020.03.15 | Pastor Kelvin Chiu | “Build Our Foundation 各人的工程” (I Corinthians 哥林多前書 3:10-23) |